Falmouth Canoe Club is a group of people who like to go kayaking and canoeing. We try to promote a friendly helpful and informal atmosphere, and we accept paddlers of all levels; providing courses for beginners, as well as organising training and assessments for higher level qualifications. We welcome paddlers of all abilities or none, who are over 18.
The majority of the club’s paddlers participate in recreational paddling – in particular Sea Kayaking.
The purpose of the club is to promote the sport of canoeing and kayaking in our community and beyond. We have members all over the UK and the world.
The Falmouth Canoe Club has access to amazing paddling in the Falmouth area. It is a working harbour used by professional and recreational sailors so there is a wide range of competence, seamanship and awareness among the people on the water.
As kayakers and canoeists we use some of the smallest boats and so have a special responsibility to keep ourselves safe. So, please take advice from the paddle leaders, stick together, look out for one another and be aware of other water users. Stay safe and happy.
The club has a range of boats and other equipment for use by club members stored in the Watersports Centre in Falmouth. The Watersports Centre gives direct access to Falmouth Harbour and Carrick Roads and we have a trailer that can take boats all over Cornwall including the North Coast.
We meet every Monday night from 6pm at the Watersports Centre during the Spring and Summer (March to October) and have Friday evening pool sessions at Truro during the winter months (January to March) We also have ad-hoc paddles on Friday nights or the weekend for more adventurous paddlers.
Beginners night is the first Monday club paddle of the month from March to September. Beginners are very welcome, and our more experienced members love to see new faces and to see people grow in their skills.
We have a great team of coaches and leaders who assist the club paddlers in making the most of their paddling. The club offers a variety help for beginners and for more experienced paddlers. We are lucky to have great commercial partners in Cornwall - Expedition Paddler, Sea Kayaking Cornwall and How We Roll - who provide more in depth training and expeditions anywhere in the world.
If you are joining us in the winter, then we have pool sessions every other Monday night at the pool in Truro School. Check the Facebook page for details.
You can join the Falmouth Canoe Club here or come along to one of the Monday paddles or Friday pool sessions. You can try us out for up to 3 sessions (£10 per temporary membership session) before deciding to join us. Membership is £60 per year - any payments made as a temporary member will go towards your full membership for the year.
Or simply join online on this website. We are a people oriented club so we may call up for a chat to see if our club will be what you expect.
The club is run by a committee and any member is free to join the committee team to help with a specific role (chair, secretory, treasurer, etc) or as a 'floater' to help as and when you want to. The committee meets about 4 times a year and we hold the club's AGM in the early Spring before the Monday paddles start
We keep up with news of activities and events, both within and outside of the Club, by posting information on Facebook, which is an important way for members to communicate.